The Origin of the Corporate Name
SCOHIA was created by combining “Sukunahikona” a Japanese god of medicine, and “Sukoyaka” a Japanese word meaning healthy (physically and mentally).
Sukunahikona, worshiped at a shrine in Doshomachi, Osaka, is the model of One-Inch Boy (or Issun-boshi), a Japanese fable about a little Japanese bonze who defeats the ogres and protects the princess. We take after this story (the company defeats diseases and protects people).
The Origin of the Logo
The One-Inch Boy motif overlays the “S” in SCOHIA. The freehand curve suggests graceful power and a vibrant future. One-Inch Boy’s chopstick symbolizes guiding SCOHIA through various difficulties and in the right direction.
We use blue as our corporate color as it symbolizes peace and ease of mind and is relevant to the future we aim for, that is, a healthy and active lifestyle for everyone.
Furthermore, blue is the color of sincerity, which is the fundamental attitude of our corporation.